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I've wanted to write this piece for a long time, but couldn't find the time or energy to do it until now. My thoughts on this subject have so far been disorganized and it's time I organized them all into a coherent structure and put them in writing. I know that there are reasonable people who will agree with at least some of my points. This social contagion has spread and is continuing to spread at an alarming rate and, frankly, it deeply unsettles me.

A moral and cultural cancer has spread and is spreading in our generation, affecting many, from kids all the way to seniors (though mostly affecting teenagers and young adults). This cancer is being met not with widespread voiced disgust, but with thunderous applause, being disguised as stunning, brave and revolutionary; and yet, in the past few decades, it has degraded western society substantially from intellectual and moral points of view. I'm talking about what is frequently defined as woke culture and its tenets of glorification of mental illness and public sexual fetishism, cult-like behavior, intolerance, bullying, extremism, absolutism, ignorance, racism, sexism, perversion and shunning of critical thought and debate. I acknowledge that there are many sub-groups within this woke culture that hold only some of these traits and reject others, but for the sake of simplicity and clarity I will not delve into which groups have which traits and, instead, I will elaborate and exemplify the aforementioned traits. I will not delve into conspiracy theorizing either - I will just showcase my observations and personal thoughts on them. I'm not the first nor the last person to write on this topic, but I figure I might as well throw my two cents into the pile.


This contagion's effects are serious and harrowing. Starting off with the glorification of mental disorder - it has become "cool" to suffer (or claim to suffer) from a multitude of mental health issues. It's now the current teenager and young adult trend. Just like before it was "cool" to cut yourself or be part of the LGBT (before it got corrupted) community, now it's cool to claim that you can be born in the wrong body and necessitate harmful hormone and surgical treatment in order to be happy with it and that you have multiple people living inside your head. It is now cool to use mental disorders, sexual preferences, fetishes and generic labels to describe oneself after all of the work done specifically to stop labelling people and in lieu of actually describing oneself utilizing their personality and what makes them unique. It's cool to be sexist against women in the name of "progression" and subsequently harass and infringe on their rights in order to satisfy mentally ill and fetishistic men who get their rocks off on this sort of thing. It's cool to submit to the hivemind instead of thinking for oneself and throwing rocks at anyone who chooses to think individually. It's cool to be intolerant of those with different views and shun and harass them for it. It's cool to advocate for violence as long as it's against the right people. It's cool to be racist against the right people and advocate for their genocide. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

The hard work put in by civil rights movements in the 20th century to mend societal faults and bring about a better future has been undone in the past 20 years, with progress accelerating significantly within the past 10 years or so. Racism was no longer a major issue in Western society by the 1990s, but now it is back and going strong - the only difference is that it is now practised against white-skinned people, not dark-skinned people. Sexism is also back again; while it was practised mainly against men in the 2010s (all men are scum), in the 2020s it's practised mainly against women in the form of the corrupted transgender movement.

The LGBT movement has had so many extra letters tacked on the end of it and has veered so far off course that it has almost completely lost its original purpose. The LGBT movement started in order to prove that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are normal human beings just like anyone else, but nowadays it has degenerated into being the cool club for people wanting to stand out from the general population (and subsequently becoming even more generic) and, simultaneously, into a sexually fetishistic space. Broadcasting in great detail what you like in the bedroom to the public has become the norm, as if it's a defining feature of you that is indispensable and everyone needs to know it. Pride parades are now full of scantily-clad horny exhibitionists who feel no shame in exposing themselves sexually to people who might not even want to see them. There are also the people identifying as non-binary (mainly girls who either are abused for being girls or who prefer to wear hoodies, pants and have short haircuts thinking that these things make them less of a woman) to people who make up neogenders and neopronouns to label themselves because they believe themselves to not be interesting otherwise. It's safe to say that the LGBT movement has mutated for the worse and I feel sorry for the normal people within it who are now bunched up with the crazies there.

The transgender movement has been taken over and corrupted by insane people and sexual deviants. What started as a movement with the aim to bring awareness to people suffering from gender dysphoria has turned into a fetishistic mess of autogynephiles and autoandrophiles. After the arduous fight to get rid of rigid gender norms, the transgender movement has reduced being male and being female to...gender norms, with the general mindset being composed of "If you like dresses and make-up you must be a girl" and "if you like traditionally masculine things and comfortable clothing you must be a boy". Gender dysphoria is being phased out and those suffering from it are now being labelled as "truscum"; instead, the new chic transgender norm is "gender euphoria", getting a sexual rush out of pretending to be the opposite sex and out of doing sexually deviant acts. Men in dresses are invading women's spaces, oppressing them, curbstomping them in sports and then claiming victory in the name of wokeiss while claiming to be oppressed. There is also the mess related to the rendered futility of language; word definitions are being changed in order to be more "inclusive", having the result of making said words lose their purpose. "If you feel like a woman, then you must be a woman" is not a valid statement. If you feel like you're Bill Gates, it doesn't mean you are him. Men are men and women are women, it's that simple. Language has the purpose of defining things in order to separate them from other things and this devolution of it is incredibly harmful to the concept of language as a whole.

Pedophilia is also starting to rear its ugly head through the MAP and corrupted transgender movements. Whether it is MAPs advocating for the erroneous belief that minors are capable of consenting to sexual acts just like adults, or corrupted transgender activists advocating for taking advantage of young teenagers going through a tumultous period in their life by encouraging them to think that if they don't fully subscribe to gender norms and feel insecure about their bodies that they must be born in the wrong body and need to immediately make radical decisions ASAP to correct the supposed "issue", the end result is a disgusting perversion and sexualization of children and teenagers.

I'm sure there are some people who would claim my writing to be hate speech or a call to violence, so I feel the need to clarify; it's not. I do not hate people in the LGBT community. As long as one's sexual preferences are not immoral and disgusting such as being attracted to kids or to rape, it's their business what they prefer to do in the bedroom. With that said, I do not agree with this sudden advent of public hypersexuality. I do not want to see half-naked people one step away from fucking each other in the street. I do not have anything against actual transgender people (sufferers of gender dysphoria, not sexual fetishists), but I will not pretend that they are people of the opposite gender trapped in the wrong body. They don't deserve to be encouraged into believing their delusions are real and they don't deserve to be attacked. They deserve treatment of their illness and support. They deserve to be told that their bodies are their own, that they are beautiful the way they are and that mutilating themselves and their way of thinking is not the correct solution. I do not have anything against pedophiles as long as they do not act on their urges by consuming child pornography and harming kids to satisfy their sick sexual urges and, instead, decide to seek help - in my eyes, they are also sufferers from a mental illness and need to be treated for it so that they can get rid of their unhealthy sexual attraction to kids. I do not believe violence and aggression to be a means to any end.

One of the things I hate the most about this entire paradigm is the hivemind, the groupthink and how this whole shebang has been seeping from being a fringe internet belief to becoming a real world issue. I risk to be cancelled, doxxed and targeted for harassment just for writing this observational opinion piece. What happened to freedom of speech and tolerance of other opinions as long as they're not hateful? Diversity in thought is perfectly healthy in any society - if it weren't, we wouldn't be living in a democracy. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are the enemy. We are all humans and it's not ok to dehumanize someone just for believing in something else. I believe in the principle of "live and let live" and I wish more people would believe in it as well. I would've never thought societal standards would ever be dictated by terminally online mentally ill people and immoral deviants, and we are.

If you've identified with any of the issues I described above, then first of all, please remember: you are not alone. We are all walking through the confusion and chaos of life and you are no exception. With that said, there are things that are good to do and things that are bad to do and it's important to identify which is which.

If you don't manage to fit in perfectly, don't change parts of yourself and do outlandish things just to force yourself to fit in. If you won't be accepted in a group because you don't subscribe to x or y tenet, don't force yourself to start believing in said tenet just to partake in that group - move on and keep looking, you will eventually find a place you like that accepts you for who you are. Also, don't do outlandish things if you don't think you're interesting enough without doing them - trust me, you are interesting, everyone has certain unique things that make them interesting.

Being born male is awesome and being born female is just as awesome. Just because you don't fully conform to the stereotype of a man or a woman does not mean you are any less of a man or a woman. We are all unique in our own ways and it's important to be able to accept ourselves for who we are and be comfortable in our bodies. If anyone tells you that you're any less of the gender you were born with just because of some arbitrary deviation from the norm, they are plain wrong.


I'm an obscure writer on an obscure website, so I'm not sure how many will actually read this. In any case, if you've actually read through what I've written, then I thank you for doing it. It means a lot to me and, even if you disagree, getting multiple perspectives on any topic is important. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the word, but I believe that my perspective has at least some value.

Article published on 2/17/2022